Current Situation
Chapter 3: The process of radicalization can be slow. It seems only yesterday that a group of friends could sit around laughing and thinking nothing could draw them apart, never imagining they might face each other on opposing sides of a battlefield. Maybe greater division was not what we needed after all. Regardless, here we are. Displeasure does not change our current situation, nor does it bring us closer to finding a solution. Stick around for more "Everything is Fine!!®" after a brief message from our sponsors...
Used to be the people we'd go out of way to see

Now we go out of our way to leave

Couldn't get along just a little bit longer

Always in a hurry to disagree

Always in a hurry to leave
We have become a group of people
We can't refer to as "we"

Our displeasure does not change

Our current situation

Nor does it bring us any closer

To finding a solution

Used to think that everything was going to be ok

Now I've got one foot in the grave

Every day the urge gets a little bit stronger

Always like I'm living a bad dream

The world is such a bad place to be

Now I'm in a hurry to leave
Or maybe it's time to close the curtains
And turn up the TV
Our displeasure does not change

Our current situation

Nor does it bring us any closer

To finding a solution

Not all gone

Not all good

You should have been better

What a shame

I thought I knew

Where I stood

But maybe I'm to blame

Our displeasure does not change

Our current situation

Nor does it bring us any closer

To finding a solution
Sam Seibert - vocals, drums, piano, bass, synthesizers, guitar, recording engineer, current situation preserver, alien spaceship sound generator, lead and rhythm beer, assistant accountant, No Limits 2 operator

Kevin Allen - Guitar